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Rough Knobtail geckos
Centralian Rough Knob-Tail Gecko (Nephrurus amyae)
I have been fascinated with rough knob-tails ever since I saw them in Casey Lazik's Reptiles article in the late 90's.  These guys are so amazing!  We were able to obtain an adult pair of amyae from Art Aviles and are very excited to start this new project.  Nephrurus amyae come from the heart of Australia and are adapted to a life in the desert.  Their huge size and small, knob-tipped tail, as well as their bold orange-red color with a black reticulate pattern.  They have a great threat display with pushups, open-mouthed barking, and tail wagging.  Overall, these have got to be the coolest gecko and we are happy to have them. 
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Breeding Pair
amyae male
Nephrurus amyae Male amyae barking
 Nephrurus amyae
Male displaying
Nice male amyae
Barking male
A bit of display
amyae juvie amyae pair juvenile nephrurus amyae, rough knobtail amyae
Not many cooler geckos than these
Nice pair of Nephrurus amyae
Such vibrant colors
Nicely patterned amyae