Pythons (Antaresia stimsoni)
Stimsons pythons cover a large range
across Australia. Also known as the large-blotched python, they have
a beautiful pattern of bold spots. There are two forms or populations
of Stimson's pythons, an eastern Australian form (A. s. orientalis)
and a Western form (A. s. stimsoni). The Stimson's we aquired
are from VPI bloodlines and are originally descended from the eastern Australian
form. Stimson's range in appearance from a faded pattern with smaller
markings similar in appearance to a childrens, to an attractive form with
pinstriped lighter areas and bold large red blotches. They can be one
of the most attractive of the Antaresia. Our stock came indirectly
from the Barkers through two separate breeders and we are excited to be working
with them. Of all the Antaresia, the Stimson's python is probably
the easiest to get started on mice as babies and the adults are calm and
easy to work with.